

The overall aims of the English Language Education curriculum are:

  • to provide every student of English with further opportunities for extending their knowledge and experience of the cultures of other people as well as opportunities for personal and intellectual development, further studies, pleasure and work in the English medium; and
  • to enable every student to prepare for the changing socio-economic demands resulting from advances in information technology; these demands include the interpretation, use and production of materials for pleasure, study and work in the English medium.

The subject target of English Language is for students to develop an ever-improving capability to use English:

  • to think and communicate;
  • to acquire, develop and apply knowledge; and
  • to respond and give expression to experience; and within these contexts, to develop and apply an ever-increasing understanding of how language is organised, used and learnt.

EDB; Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide; 2017

Our Learner-centred Curriculum:

English Activities:

Elite Group: Cambridge Course & TOEFL Junior Test

TOEFL Junior Test Results: (2023-2024)

TOEFL Junior Test Results: (2022-2023)

TOEFL Junior Test Results: (2021-2022 1st Term, 2nd Term)

TOEFL Junior Test Results: (2020-2021)

語常會 SCOLAR e-Writing in action


My e-Writing Contest: (2021-2022)

Big Buttons

Interactive Learning Social Robot

English Thursday

Drama Club

Science Project

AR Table

Speech Festival

Recess Reading Time

Story Time at Lunch

Puppetry and Filmit Competitions

Flimit Lab Workshop

Calligraphy Competition

English Ambassador

Interviewing Teachers

Native-speaking English Teachers


Other Activities:

English Mock Interview Training

Extensive Reading Scheme                     

Saturday English Enrichment Courses

2023-2024 年度活動
香港電台''In the Common Room''節目錄音
TOEFL Junior 初中托福英語國際考試 2022-2023

2022-2023 年度活動
TOEFL Best of the Best Awards 2023
英文話劇欣賞 (The Tortoise and the Hare / Pinocchio)
Drama Class 英語話劇(The Wizard of Oz)
教育局外籍英語教師組 Film Lab 2023
SCOLAR: Rugby English Active Learning
TOEFL Junior 初中托福英語國際考試 2021-2022 (2nd Term)

2021-2022 年度活動
TOEFL Junior 初中托福英語國際考試 2021-2022 (1st Term)
SCOLAR English Alliance 2021-2022: e-Writing with 21st Century Skills

2020-2021 年度活動
TOEFL Junior 初中托福英語國際考試 2020-2021
Top Readers
SCOLAR e-Writing in Action
Top Readers in the 2nd learning phase
香港學科比賽2020-2021-Fun Fun Arena
September to November Top Readers

2019-2020 年度活動
Cooperative learning
English Drama
English Fun Day(Primary 5 performance)
One minute book sharing(2)
One minute book sharing
TOEFL Junior初中托福英語國際考試
International Language Day
English Thursday

2018-2019 年度活動
English Fun Day(Primary 5 performance)
I can't find my teddy bear
English Fun Day
Calligraphy Competition